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Image by Jack Sharp

The New Testament Ministries Vision

In June of 2000, New Testament Ministries was formed out of a vision given to our founder and leader Bishop Charles Sanders. We renew and define that vision this day, November 8, 2008. 


It is our vision to fulfill God's word by taking a message of life to a dying world. We at New Testament Ministries are committed to seeing each member of our church saved, and filled with God's Holy Spirit. We are equally committed to seeing the communities of Chicago saved and filled with a God's conscience. We are committed to doing this by leaving the walls of our building and taking the truth of the Gospel (Christ came and shed his blood that we should not perish) to the world.


It is our vision that men and women called to ministry would have the opportunity to learn and grow spiritually at New Testament Ministries. New Testament Ministries will be a place where God given gifts can and will be used to further the Gospel message. Our pulpit will be opened for God's use but sternly protected from those whose purpose is to destroy and not build.


 We at New Testament Ministries are committed to ministry. Will will be a leading source in the community to help restore family. We will help those in need of Jobs to get them by offering comprehensive job programs. We will establish businesses within our church that we might be an example by employing the community. We will offer counseling and direction to mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters with the goal of restoring the fabric of the family. 


We are committed to establishing daycares, a sanctuary for battered and abused women and men and, a godly structure for children that will once again lead them toward God. We will be instrumental in developing business owners and leaders, recording artists, and college graduates. Even though we will handle these matters with prayer, we will forever be mindful that faith without works is dead. Therefore, we are committed to putting action to our prayers.


Our vision is to build a new church, one that will be big enough to contain our vision. We will do this by trusting in God's word and by being a tithe-paying and progressive-giving church, one that truly believes "you can't beat God giving no matter how you try". We will not be defined by how big our church is but by our commitment to following God's word, and by our faith that goes far beyond what we see. We will never be known as spectators but as those who embody the message of Christ by participating (doers of the word)


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